people do not have basic access to health or opportunities for
learning, nature conservation seems less important. For this reason, our
project Proyecto Noble Salud y Educación focuses
on reaching the most disadvantaged rural communities in the Paso del
Istmo. We reach over 1500 children across 25 rural schools with books,
classroom materials, and essential school supplies. At the same time, we
support school feeding programs with supplemental food and nutrional
packs.This extra support keeps kids in schools and supports healthy
brain development. We also work closely with the Ministry of Health and
its 7 rural clinics and 2 health centers located in the Paso del Istmo
to ensure that essential medicines and equipment are available.
program is made possible through the leadership and support of Dick and
Nancy Noble. Multiple partners also provide support for this program
including the Ministry of Education (MINED) , the Ministry of Health
(MINSA), and the
American Nicaragua Foundation.
Additional donors and supporters include NIKE and Adidas who have
generously provided sports equipment to the rural schools and also other
complementary organizations including
Raechel and Jackie Foundation and the Biblioteca San Juan del Sur.