Paso Pacifico's Board of Directors recenty met for its
annual retreat and used the time to reflect on its systems-based
approach to conservation and to consider opportunities to make
ground-breaking impacts in dry tropical forest and coastal conservation.
Pictured left to right is: Lotte Roache, Christine Schmidt, Sarah
Otterstrom, Derek Schlereth, Teresa Lang, and Phil Torres.
With the help of facilitator Nusa Maal from the Center for Multisensory Leadership,
the board members created a visual representation of Paso Pacifico's
programs, linking strategies to the urgent conservation needs, and
honing in on key and effective approaches that can be scaled. Stay tuned in the coming months about programs that will be strengthened and expanded as a result of this fruitful retreat.
a 501c3 non-profit organization, Paso Pacifico's Board meets six times
per year to review the organization's programs and finances and to
ensure that our work is helping us to advance towards our non-profit
mission. Board members are eager to hear from donors and Paso Pacifico's
program beneficiaries and may be contacted via
Photo Credit: Kevin King