This month, the Yellow-billed Cuckoo is making the journey from...
This month, the Yellow-billed Cuckoo is making the journey from...

This month, the Yellow-billed Cuckoo is making the journey from its overwintering grounds in South America through the forests of Central America and then up to North America. It is a perilous journey because of the destruction of forest habitat along the way. Scientists have partiallly attributed declines in this species to deaths that occur during migration. The western sub-species is now considered in danger of extintion and is under review for listing under the Endangered Species Act.  

Through Paso Pacifico's migratory bird conservation initiative, we are working to improve the chance of a succesful migration for many neotropical birds. This program has been supported by the US Forest Service International Institute for Tropical Forestry and other partners since 2009. Through the program's semi-annual bird monitoring we have documented the Yellow-billed Cuckoo during its migration.  

We are now building partnerships that will increase protection and monitoring for the Yellow-billed Cuckoo at key dry tropical forest sites throughout Nicaragua.These private sector and non-profit partners include Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, the Richland Center-Santa Teresa Sister City Project, and the Reserva Privada Quelantero. We are also expanding our international partnerships with groups such as the Southern Sierra Research Station and the Insitute for Bird Populations. These two organizations have unique expertise in threatened migratory birds and in building local capacity to protect and study them. (Photo Credit: Dan Pancano)

Our jaguar conservation program was recently featured by Earth Touch News Network. The article featured the compelling video of two young male jaguars exploring new territory in the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor. It also highlighted the need to reduce livestock kills in order to limit conflict between local communities and carnivores like the jaguar. Our collaborating wildlife specialist, Miguel Ordeñana, talked about the challenge created by having jaguar activity in the area. It has been several months since we have documented jaguars in the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor, but the camera traps are set and we continue to partner with ranchers to support an adaptation of livestock management practices in order to limit any future loss to carnivores.

Paso Pacifico's efforts to develop the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor depend in large part on the support and partnership of private landowners. These friends make huge contributions to conservation by setting land aside for wildlife, and spending time and financial resources to protect and rebuild their forests.  

An example of this contribution is seen through the 450-acre private reserve known as Las Fincas Reserve. Here, the landowners have planted over 90,000 native trees and supported Paso Pacifico's research teams as we have worked to document the bird, bat and floristic diversity of this property. We have found that the dry tropical forest at this site harbors critical habitat for birds migrating from the western region of North America and that its location on the western side of the isthmus is crucial for aiding the survival of the endangered black-handed spider monkey. 

We are forever grateful for local partners like Las Fincas, and continually seek opportunities to support the the conservation efforts of the local stakeholders in the Paso del Istmo.

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Eduardo Boné-Morón has recently joined our team as Managing Director to  coordinate our operations and staff. He has over a decade of experience working in conservation projects in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and the U.S. Eduardo holds a M.S. in Conservation Leadership from Colorado State University and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. 

Eduardo enjoys spending time hiking, surfing, and traveling with his wife Helena and their little dog Maggie. 

You will be seeing and hearing a lot from Eduardo in the coming months. We are so pleased to have him as part of our leadership team!

For the past two years, Angie Gerst has visited Nicaragua to support the women of the Smiling Oyster Cooperative in building a sustainable oyster farm. In 2014, Angie carried out a feasability study for the project and this year she returned to help the women to organize and formalize the cooperative and to assist them in placing the oyster cages in the ocean to collect larvae.
Angie holds a Master’s in Natural Resource and Environmental Management and is fluent Spanish. Her love for working with the local people has enabled her to work effectively in challenging field conditions. Angie has made a tremendous contribution to Paso Pacifico's ocean conservation program and has built lasting friendships with the women of Ostional. Thank you Angie for all of your hard work.
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