month of June is the launch of the field season! It is the time of year
when researchers and organizational partners converge on the Paso del
Istmo to assist with our conservation projects. Earlier this month,
eight college students from across the United States had the
opportunity to learn from our Sea Turtle Rangers. These students are
participants in a
Broadreach course that studies sea turtle conservation programs in both Nicaragua and Costa Rica. This month, graduate student
Michael Petriello from
Texas A&M University
is also visiting the Paso del Istmo as he documents Local Ecological
Knowledge (LEK) and its interplay with environmental
conflicts. Finally, we received much needed assistance from
veterinary students from the
University of California Davis when
they visited ranchers whose livestock have been affected by jaguar
attacks, and who are at the same time struggling with the increasing
drought and an infestation of parasites, including ticks. The vet
students provided technical training to our Nicaraguan vet Marcos Calero
and they also gave medicines and recommended care for the injured and
infected animals.
the staff in Nicaragua is busy preparing for the Annual Board Retreat,
which takes place the final weekend of June. The Board plans to review
the strategic plan and identify areas where increased effort is needed.
In July and August, we look forward to receiving
additional volunteers and researchers who will assist on projects
ranging from jaguar monitoring to surf education and fisheries research.