Edition: January 2014
Conservation in ACTION

For decades the jaguar was thought to be locally extinct in dry forest areas of the Paso del Istmo. We are thrilled to share the video above that provides photographic evidence of an adult jaguar. While we are excited to have documented this animal’s presence we hope that the jaguar can navigate this fragmented landscape and finds sufficient prey.

In addition to restoring critical jaguar habitat, Paso Pacifico has now introduced a livestock compensation program to recognize any economic harm that could be caused by a jaguar. To receive compensation, a Paso Pacifico representative must first verify the loss of livestock. Once validated, the local farmers receive money and at the same time must agree to abstain from hunting the jaguar. This program, along with the continued protection of habitat in the Paso del Istmo, will help ensure the protection of this incredible species.

The jaguar project is made possible with support from the Woodland Park Zoo, Los Angeles Zoo, Man and Nature, U.S. Forest Service's International Institute of Tropical Forestry, O Parks, Wildlife, and Recreation and our generous donors.

Paso Pacífico in the News
This month Paso Pacifico was featured on the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources’ (MARENA) website. The article discusses the reported presence of a pregnant jaguar in the municipality of San Juan del Sur and confirms this sighting by referencing the video captured by Paso Pacifico.

This article also discusses the importance of protecting the local ecosystem that is home to these creatures and is part of Nicaragua’s national treasure. We are pleased to have been recognized by this valued institution and are grateful for their support. The agency has also participated with Paso Pacifico in community meetings focused on this recent jaguar sighting.
Partnerships make it possible
It takes a village to create an integrated conservation project. With support from Man and Nature we are restoring the watersheds where the jaguar lives. The support of the Woodland Park Zoo and Los Angeles Zoo have enabled us to build the technical capacity to monitor local carnivores. Local partners O Parks, Wildlife, and Recreation helps to fund and promote our compensation program, but most importantly they are protecting habitat so the jaguar can thrive. Finally, the U.S. Forest Service's International Institute of Tropical Forestry has provided equipment and helped support our educational work with the Junior Rangers like the ones pictured above learning to set camera traps.

Team member spotlight

Eliecer Valle is one of Paso Pacifico’s newest Sea Turtle Rangers hired this fall thanks to the support of the Wood Tiger Fund. Eliecer is from the community of Tortuga where he worked as a farmer.

Just last month he participated in the Turtle Trot 5k race at Rancho Santana and took first place, beating out 55 other runners. The purpose of the event was to raise money for sea turtle conservation at Playa Escondida. Felicidades Eliecer y bienvenido a Paso Pacifico!

The earth is changing. But Paso Pacifico is helping to reduce the impacts of climate change on communities. We are restoring forests that store carbon and reduce flooding from storms. Since 2005, we have planted over a half a million trees.

Donate & help restore forest.

We are grateful to all of our generous donors who contributed to our 2013 annual campaign. With your support we raised nearly $20,000 which will help us continue our efforts to conserve and restore the dry tropical forests of Nicaragua.

We look forward to sharing our successes in the coming year and demonstrating the power of grassroots conservation.
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© 2006 Paso Pacífico
USA Address: PO Box 1244 • Ventura, CA 93002-1244 • Phone: 1-805-643-7044