Edition: June 2010
Conservation in ACTION

Paso Pacífico’s new program Environmental Learning, Leadership, Adventure and Stewardship (ELLAS) provides leadership and resource management training for Nicaraguan girls aged ten to fourteen. As part of our Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Advance Women as Environmental Stewards, the ELLAS program will empower girls from rural communities who, despite living close to forests and natural areas, have limited access to the outdoors and are often discouraged from exploring their natural environments beyond the pathways between their homes, water wells, and corn fields.

The ELLAS program begins with an expedition to a nature reserve in the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor where girls will establish a safe, supportive base camp community, learn the basics of outdoor safety, participate in challenging hiking and boating activities, and undertake a stream restoration and water quality monitoring project. At the end of the experience, the girls will reflect on their growth and the skills they have learned, creating presentations for their communities and developing a proposal for their municipal governments on water management and conservation.

Paso Pacífico in the News

SURVIVOR comes to the Paso del Istmo! News that CBS’s hit reality television show Survivor is filming its Fall 2010 season in the Paso del Istmo dominated Nicaraguan headlines this past month. Filming is taking place south of the popular beach town San Juan del Sur, in a section of the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor which Paso Pacifico is striving to preserve. For those unfamiliar with the show, Survivor contestants are left to “survive” unfamiliar terrain, exotic conditions, and hostile competitors, battling to be the last remaining “survivor” who takes the prize.

The show will feature the same tropical dry forests and pristine beaches that Paso Pacifico works to protect and will provide an opportunity for the world to witness the country’s natural beauty, rich biodiversity, and ecological treasures. Paso Pacífico is also coordinating with the Survivor production crew to ensure sea turtle protection and monitoring on beaches where filming is taking place.

Partnerships make it possible

Paso Pacífico’s sea turtle program is made possible through collaboration and information sharing with scientists around the world. Our work with the Eastern Pacific Hawksbill Initiative focuses on the Hawksbill turtle, one of the rarest, most endangered sea turtles in the Eastern Pacific. Last year, Paso Pacífico and scientists from this network successfully placed the first satellite tag on a Hawksbill Sea Turtle in Nicaragua, allowing us to track the path of two Hawksbill turtles through the ocean and learn more about their migration patterns and foraging habits.

Early July 2010, this network will hold its "2nd Workshop on Hawksbill Sea Turtles of the Eastern Pacific" in Nicaragua. This meeting will bring together conservation scientists across the region to discuss innovative conservation tools for saving this beautiful turtle from extinction.


Team member spotlight

As the Community Forester, Miguel Melendez plays a lead role conserving forests in the Paso del Istmo by assessing the status of tree seedlings and coordinating the teams of workers that clear weeds and brush. A lifetime farmer, Don Miguel’s leadership and years of experience have helped the trees in our reforestation projects thrive. Don Miguel is also a leader in his community, helping catalyze improvements to schools, roads, and healthcare services.

Did you know you can now support Paso Pacifico every time you shop online? GoodSearch, the free online toolbar that donates to participating causes like Paso Pacifico with every search, recently introduced GoodShop, which donates up to 30% of every purchase made from participating online retailers. Act now and download the Goodsearch toolbar today to support Paso Pacifico with every online purchase!

Bill and Elaine Hurd have been both technical advisors and generous donors since our organization’s humble beginnings. The Hurds are passionate about the conservation of animals and have advocated for their cause in Nicaragua and around the globe. Elaine is currently supporting Paso Pacifico as a public outreach and communications advisor. We are extremely fortunate for their support and assistance over the years. Thank you, Bill and Elaine!

Mission | Website | Partners

© 2006 Paso Pacífico
USA Address: PO Box 1244 • Ventura, CA 93002-1244 • Phone: 1-805-643-7044
Nicaragua Address: Km 15 Carretera Ticuantepe, Centro Comercial MercoCentro, Modulo #5
Ticuantepe, Nicaragua • Phone: +505-2279-7258