Team member spotlight
As the Community Forester, Miguel Melendez plays a lead role conserving
forests in the Paso del Istmo by assessing the status of tree seedlings
and coordinating the teams of workers that clear weeds and brush. A
lifetime farmer, Don Miguel’s leadership and years of experience have
helped the trees in our reforestation projects thrive. Don Miguel is
also a leader in his community, helping catalyze improvements to
schools, roads, and healthcare services.
Did you know you can now support Paso Pacifico every time you shop online?
GoodSearch, the free online toolbar that donates to participating causes like Paso Pacifico with every search, recently introduced
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Bill and Elaine Hurd have been both technical advisors and generous
donors since our organization’s humble beginnings. The Hurds are
passionate about the conservation of animals and
have advocated for their cause in Nicaragua and around the globe.
Elaine is currently supporting Paso Pacifico as a public outreach and
communications advisor. We are extremely fortunate for their support
and assistance over the years. Thank you, Bill and Elaine!