For the winter/spring edition of PERC Reports, Reed Watson habló con buzo y la restauración de los arrecifes empresario, Brett Howell. As the Walker Conservation Fellow at the Georgia Aquarium, Howell hopes to illustrate that Florida’s coral reefs, un semillero de biodiversidad, presente oportunidad para la cooperación y la restauración, en lugar de una fuente de conflicto.
Howell works with the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF), que crece especies en peligro de coral en los viveros, to identify parties who benefit from (and are willing to pay for) healthy reefs. Given that reef-related eco-tourism generates $4 mil millones anualmente, Howell is well positioned to link the sellers of coral restoration (like the CRF) with potential buyers, such as the dive shops and fishing captains whose businesses depend on healthy reef ecosystems.
With our own commitment to la resolución de conflictos y reef restoration, we are eager to watch Howell’s experiment unfold.