The Yale Project on Climate Change Communication has just released the results of their study on Americans’ knowledge of climate change.
Entre los hallazgos importantes se encuentran que, cuando se trata de cambio climático, muchos americanos “misunderstand las causas y por lo tanto las soluciones.” La gran mayoría, sin embargo, entender correctamente que plantar árboles y reducir la deforestación tropical reduciría el calentamiento global si se hiciera en todo el mundo. We hope this means that more people will support our efforts to mitigar el cambio climático through reforestation efforts in Nicaragua.
The especially good news is that “Americans also recognize their own limited understanding. Only 1 en 10 say that they are ‘very well informed’ about climate change, y 75 percent say they would like to know more about the issue.” As an organization dedicated to advancing scientific understanding, we are glad to know that people are eager to learn and understand.