Tagging a Hawksbill in Nicaragua
From our friends at Fauna and Flor International and ICAPO: Aquí les dejó un video (7 minutos) que preparamos para documentar la experiencia de marcaje satelital de tortugas carey aquí en Nicaragua en Julio pasado.
From our friends at Fauna and Flor International and ICAPO: Aquí les dejó un video (7 minutos) que preparamos para documentar la experiencia de marcaje satelital de tortugas carey aquí en Nicaragua en Julio pasado.
Jaguars, coastal clean-ups, and sloth action shots! Check out our October newsletter to learn about jaguars and coastal clean-ups, and to read our biologists' adventures in camera trapping.
Sunday's Guardian: Global warming is likely to shrink the size of fish by as much as a quarter in coming decades, according to a groundbreaking new study of the world's oceans. ... "Our work shows a very concerning future for the oceans and so it is very important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop better fish management policies to adapt to these changes," said Cheung. All the more reason...
Thanks to our friends at ICAPO, SeaTurtle.org, and Flora & Fauna International for sharing these videos with us.
Great aerial footage of an arribada in Mexico.
Paso Pacífico has been managing Nicaragua's participation in the Ocean Conservancy's annual International Coastal Cleanup for five years. This past weekend, Comunidad Connect, TESÓN, and Barrio Planta helped us round up hundreds of volunteers who picked up over 2000 pounds of trash along the beaches and waterways of several coastal communities. You can read more about it (in Spanish) at El Nuevo Diario. This coming weekend is part two of...
Over at the WILDblog, Brad Nahill, recalls "Exploring Nicaragua's Paso del Istmo": Brad Nahill spots a turtle (photo by Sarah Rudeen) We headed out by boat to explore the spectacular stretch of coast, possibly the most beautiful and dramatic of coastline that I’ve ever seen (and I live in Oregon). Crashing waves batter sloping flat rocks and white sand beaches hide behind rocky-forested outcrops. Moving north along the coast of...
Last night we met a great group of Pepperdine students who are partnered with us for a joint financial management course provided by the Ventura County Community Foundation and Pepperdine University. Our team includes Gemma and Reuben from southern California, and Lauren from Texas. All three are minoring in non-profit management and seem bright, well-informed, and eager to help us hone our fundraising strategies and financial planning procedures. We look...
Meet a bat we didn't know existed in Nicaragua, follow a tagged sea turtle, and help us name the next turtle we tag. Conservation in Action On the night of June 27 on Brasilon beach in southwestern Nicaragua, a green sea turtle hauled herself ashore, dragged herself up the beach to the treeline, dug her nest, laid her eggs, and went on a walkabout. As she began winding down, Paso...
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