We believe that marine protected areas can help ensure the future of...
We believe that marine protected areas can help ensure the future of...
We believe that marine protected areas can help ensure the future of fish for people and marine systems. Since 2012, Paso Pacífico’s marine-monitoring program has helped us to lay the groundwork for strengthening and expanding the La Flor Wildlife Refuge’s marine areas.
This month, marine biologists from three countries (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Mexico), spent ten days diving and recording data on fish and invertebrates along permanent underwater transects. This year’s work was made possible through funding from the InterAmerican Development Bank – Multilateral Investment Fund and their support for our ELLAS iniative. The field work was carried out through the technical expertise of biologists coordinated by Arturo Bocos from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur.
The research team is currently traveling home, but we look forward to learning about changes over the past two years. The monitoring program and data will be set as open-access so that researchers and managers from the Ministry of Natural Resources and other organizations can put the information to good use.  The researchers also collected 18 coral specimens in anticipation of a difficult El Niño event where ocean temperatures could lead to destruction of the reef through coral bleaching. By establishing the baseline conditions undersea, we are laying the groundwork for a biological corridor that truly connects and protects from “Ridge to Reef”.
In the past few weeks there has been growing scientific consensus regarding the potential development of El Niño conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. “El Niño” is the name scientists have given the periodic warming of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. This warming event recurs every 3-7 years and leads to major shifts in global weather patterns.
If El Niño conditions do develop, it is difficult to know exactly how these conditions will affect the Paso del Istmo. Typically during these events the majority of Central America experiences below average levels of precipitation. The Paso del Istmo is already experiencing drier then normal conditions. The potential development of an El Niño could bring increased pressure to the region’s flora and fauna.
Paso Pacifico was the main sponsor for the Copa Pacífico de Surf 2014 (April 11- 13), the first ever Nicaraguan national surf competition. The event was organized by our partners at Surf Nica Magazine and supported by a dozen local organizations and businesses.
On the first day of the competition Paso Pacifico employees made a presentation about the importance of ocean conservation to the event’s 130 participants. The great waves at Playa Sardinas near Tola and the beach’s natural beauty made for an ideal location to discuss the value of the region’s coastline. Throughout the three-day event, Paso Pacifico employees also engaged young surfers and provided individual instruction in coastal conservation and ocean safety.  
Photo courtesy of DondeX Photography
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Yorlin Vargas Collado is one of Paso Pacífico's newsest employees. In addition to being a Sea Turtle Ranger, Yorlin is also the organization's boat captain. Having grown up in the coastal community of Ostional, Yorlin is an experienced captain with an intimate understanding of the region's coastline. We are lucky to have such a skilled seaman on our team. Welcome Yorlin!
Teresa Lang joined Paso Pacifico in 2007 and worked as an intern in Nicaragua helping to develop our sea turtle conservation program.  She spent some time working for the Environmental Team at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York but returned to be our Program Development Manager.  In that position Teresa managed our internship program and was instrumental in the development of our environmental education programs with local surfers. Our close relationship with the Nicaraguan surf industry is thanks, in large part, to Teresa’s dedication and commitment to our mission. Teresa is now a policy manager at the Climate Action Reserve and continues to advise us on climate issues. 
Gracias Teresa!
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