Team member spotlight
The Paso Pacífico team would like to recognize Don Meyer, our driver in
Nicaragua. Always careful, conscientious and on time, Meyer does not
only help us reach our destination, but also ensures the safety and
effectiveness of our staff. He never stops lending a helping hand, and
in fact, on many occasions has served as an impromptu field biologist
during bird and bats surveys in the forest.
Thanks Meyer, Paso Pacífico wouldn't make it far without you!
Individuals like you are the driving force behind conservation. Without
leaving home, you can directly support Paso Pacífico's efforts to
inspire Nicaragua's next generation to become environmental stewards.
Please take this opportunity to
DONATE now and play a part in the future of Central America.
In June, Paso Pacifico Board Members
Rodolfo Dirzo and Ricardo Rueda,
alongside staff members Sarah Ottersrom and Kim Williams-Guillen,
instructed a course entitled Foundations in Conservation Biology. This
event was a collaboration between the UNAN-Leon, Paso Pacífico and
Stanford University with support from USAID. Sixteen Nicaraguan students
participated in the five-day course, which included field surveys in
tropical dry forests, a study of bats at the Jardin Botánico Ambiental
and intensive lectures. The students came out of the course eager to put
conservation science to practice.
Thank you, Rodolfo and Ricardo, for your dedication to conservation in and out of the classroom!